So, turns out you can get a terminal pretty easily on these, on all the Windows computers in school you can't have command prompt. I have no idea why its ok for students to get a terminal on a Mac. Strange. Maybe the old "You can't hack a Mac" ideology has prevailed here again, all the IT staff are Mac fanboiz... :P
To tell you the truth, I'm beginning to see why people love these Apple computers. They actually seem quite nice, I mean the monitor is very pretty looking compared to my HP block of plastic I have at home and the picture quality is gorgeous. Splendid.
Unfortunately they cost the earth, and you can't really configure anything the way you like. Plus you can't ALT+p to get the screaming fast programs menu up (hehe, see my previous post on my new love: wmii). Which is why I probably won't be getting a Mac any time soon. I love my Linux experience, I've become used to downloading programs for free and not feeling guilty about it, then configuring them to precisely the way I want them, this isn't really what this Mac is offering me. Plus it's £1000+...
What a horrible experience that was.
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